3 Components Of A Sound Retirement Plan


We believe these are the three fundamental aspects of money management. A sound retirement plan must provide a good balance of all three – safety, reliable income; liquidity, so that cash is accessible in emergencies; and growth, so that you beat inflation, grow your portfolio to replenish income needs, and leave an inheritance.

What might a good balance include? Liquid investments may include cash, savings, and money market accounts. Low-risk investments may include short-term bonds, insurance products, and bank certificates of deposit. Slightly more aggressive, but still reasonably conservative choices, include fixed income investments, such as corporate or government bonds. Growth investments could include individual stocks and real estate, for example.

Make sure that your retirement plan is well balanced. Schedule a free consulting session at www.mysecondopiniontoday.com for a cup of coffee and second opinion on your current path to retirement.

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