Welcome to Distribution Land: Safe Travels

We each define quality of life in our own way. We each have unique goals and dreams. Economic security can buy you time to focus your attention on what matters. My goal for you is to help you understand your own definition of the good life, and then work to make your money a tool toward achieving it. 

In my opinion, you need to match your assets to your aspirations; in other words, you need to plan your life and legacy so that your life savings have meaning. Your spending should support your values and priorities. Otherwise, you may be blowing through money aimlessly, or you are just trying to grow your pile bigger. 

Like any journey of any distance through an unknown area, without a guide and without a clear picture of your finances, it would seem to be difficult to know for certain whether you will make it to your destination. Start your journey with a free chapter from my book DistributionLand at www.distributionland.com and start uncovering how to make your journey a safe and rewarding one.

Categories: Financial Advice, Financial Goals, Financial Plan