Archive for the ‘ Retirement ’ Category

Don’t Let Life Accidentally Get In The Way

Planning for unforeseen circumstances is a large part of thriving in Distribution Land. That’s probably a shift from what you are used to because previously there was time to recover if a circumstance arose that impacted your financial situation. But in retirement, things change. What about the retired couple who get a phone call one […]

A New Lifestyle, A New You

Jerry seemed so eager to retire after a 35-year career. Jerry and his wife, Jean, moved to Florida. Later, in retirement, he came in for a visit. “If I knew this was what it was going to be like, I’d have never retired. I hate every minute. I hate it in Florida.” Jerry was unhappier […]

Who Is The Client, You Or Your Money?

When seeking the services of a financial advisor, you aren’t just finding someone to manage your money; you are finding a partner to manage your future and your legacy. That’s a big deal. It involves more than just a directive about growth percentages or investment numbers; it should start with your priorities. You, your spouse, […]

Don’t Overlook This Big Retirement Risk

Managing risk. It’s at the very heart of what a financial planner does. As you get closer to retirement, you need to insulate yourself from what the market can do to your portfolio, but you still need to have enough growth to keep in front of inflation and provide sufficient income to pursue your established […]

Your Money Should Be The Servant To A Plan, Don’t You Agree?

“Do you have a written plan forecasting income and expenses in retirement, designed to analyze whether or not you may run out of money?” You need a financial plan in place while you are alive and for the sake of your loved ones when you are gone. It eliminates guessing. It is indeed the fear […]

The New Meaning of ROI and How it Affects Your Retirement Planning

No doubt you have seen the acronym ROI, for return on investment. In Distribution Land, however, ROI stands for reliability of income. The conventional investment wisdom that may have served you well during your wage-earning years should be replaced with a more mature wisdom befitting this stage of life. You have a lot more to […]

What You Don’t See: The Difference Between a Well-Laid Plan or Falling Short

I would like to share a story with you. An accountant and his wife recently came to my office to prepare for their retirement in a few years. They had about $2.5 million in CDs and bonds, and they had figured out how much they wanted in retirement income. They presumed all was well. But […]

Is Your Portfolio Diversified? The Ugly Truth About Stocks and Bonds

Throughout your search and preparation for retirement, you might have heard of the Rule of 100, which suggests that if you subtract your age from 100, the result is how much of your portfolio should be invested in stocks, with the remainder in bonds. Presumably, that would keep your investments diversified. However, that’s not true […]

3 Steps to Start Living the Retirement of Your Dreams

In the process of retirement income management, the key is finding the right balance that suits the retiree. I talk often about how important that individual aspect is to retirement planning. (See link to Series 1, post 3 ‘Who Is the Client, You or Your Money’) Download: Ideally, you need to know if you have […]